Sunday, August 7, 2011

When bad things happen to good Danish Modern

So...what do YOU think?
I just came across this chair at an auction. Do you think this is the original upholstery?  Or even seat cushions?  Maybe it is original but it looks kind of weird to me.
But for some reason...I'm thinking about maybe taking it home with me.

UPDATE: I had to take a pass on the chair.  Someone else started looking at it and turned it over and I got to see what the bottom underneath the seat cushion looked like.  I think "EEWW!!!" should describe its condition.  Later, I found out that the woman who owned this chair used it all the time...


next to the pool.

Hence, its weathered, dirty, beat-up appearance.  Shame, though.  The chair could have really been something.  I would have loved to have seen it when it was new.


  1. Ooohhh....I like it! The arm / leg construction reminds me of the Baughman recliner. Any tags on the bottom, maybe Thayer Coggin?

  2. To Mr. Modtomic: Sorry, there were no labels anywhere. I think you and I were on the same page on this one, maker-wise. And I am pretty sure that the upholstery WAS original. The more I think about the chair, the more I think that it (at least at one point in its life) used to be a pretty nice piece.
