Friday, August 26, 2011

Part 2: When bad things happen to good Danish Modern

Oh...the horror.

I knew that these beautiful Lane Danish Modern tables were up for auction.  Took a long, boring, horrible, boring (oh, and long!) drive down south, hoping I could get them (and get them cheap).

Well, there was no doubt that I would be able to get them for a song.  Look at 'em.  So sad..

Let's run down it all, shall we?

The coffee table:  Structurally, in excellent condition.  The top, though, looked like someone used it as a dish rack.  Water stains all over the place.  The guy I was with knows wood and assured me that it would have taken a complete restrip/refinishing to get the table back.  What's worse is that a serious piece of the veneer was missing.

The end table (square):  Sound structurally as well.  Water damage, but not as bad.  This table I grabbed, and it's currently sitting in the back of my truck until I can find room somewhere in this mess warehouse apartment of mine.

The end table (triangle):  This is the one I really wanted.  Beautiful table...or at least it was at one point.  Water damage beyond basic repair.  The top also looked like someone used it for a bit of knife-throwing practice.

In the end, nobody got them except for the middle table I have.  I hate to think what's going to happen to these beautiful DM pieces.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you have seen my blog post on bringing back a pair of these with just some refinisher and some steel wool. Lane Acclaim is SO common around here that I hardly bother with it, but I might have bought the whole set, if it was cheap, to fix what I could and paint the rest.
